
Hello!! Welcome to...
Also known as pinkyblog.theprincesspink.com, a site of a semi crazy girl named Pink. Here you will find many things. My diary, design, review and many more... I'll wrote anything i want here. Feel free to bookmark this site so you can return. Enjoy your stay, and don't poke me.

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the princess

On The Net Princess Pink
Bali, 22 June 1991
Hometown :
Bali ID, Ninomiya-Kanagawa JP
Just an ordinary girl with super extra ordinary life. i have one lip, one noise n two eyes. nothing special from me! very like everything about pink
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Email : admin@theprincesspink.com
Yahoo messenger : princesspink_cute_girl
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Girl Next Door!

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fact about me

StUdenT, photoshopper, photoshopahoLic, photoshopmaniac, photoshop addict, photoshop junkies, pinker, bLogskinner, singer, guitaris, dancer, doyan ngaca, suka nyengir, narsis, internet junkies, girLy, pinKy girL, rocker, jago bikin kue, suka nyolotin code HTML, FriendLy eNougH


New Electric Guitar
Great Model
Great Photoshopper
Great Student
Forget Him
Great Guitarist

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blog news

The Princess Pink blogspot com is currently on hiatus. Please visit my official website at www.theprincesspink.com. Thanks all. i Miss u. Muaaach...

sweet sugar

Skin request baru kelar 3/9
gak berjudul!
Tips menampilakan adsense di blog berbahasa Indo
Hiatus satu hari!
Hari pertama ulangan kenaikan kelas
Hari yg bener2 menyerukan!
The devil VS the angel side...


January 2007
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June 2007
July 2007
August 2007

pinky chan

Hello, pinky chan here. wanna be my friend? i will play with you. please click my pet or my car if you wanna feed me. be nice!^^

sweet talk

Hello reader, thanks for droping some love to my blog. Please visit my new official website at www.theprincesspink.com I LOVE YOU ALL.


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My Works and Design
The Princess Pink
PiNk oN blogskins
PiNk oN deviantart Under Construction!

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designer & credit

layout design, coding, photo editing... by princess pink

TooL $ host:
adobe photoshop cs2, notepad, my mind, my photo collection, haloscan dafont photobucket blogger deviantart google

1 2 3 4

Header Photo
PINK NIMPH BY. Deviant Art

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.

* READ ME! [ disclaimer ] *
© by. princess pink 2007

...Submited my newest skin
Thursday, June 7, 2007

sebel banget deh!
tadi pas aku bikinin mba rany skin, aku khan ngedit htmlnya di "edit html" blog kau. yah, skalian byar bisa dipreview gitu. padahal sdikit lagi, tapi tiba2 kompie aku malah error gitu. n akhirnya programnya blank gitu! terpaksa, aku harus kehilangan data2.
huhu, menyedihkan skali. dunia ini emang kejam!!

stop nyalahin dunia!
aku udah 3 hari bolos skul. jadi gimanapun juga besok aku harus skul. ga ada alesan laen lagi. aku ga mao dicap males sama temen2. lagian kasian juga tuh temen2 di skul, smua pada kangen sama aku.

walopun sempet terkena bencana, akhirnya selesai 2 skin lagi.
yang pertama, skin pesenan mba rany. warnanya biru langit plus gambar anime yg suasananya rainy banget. sesui tema yg diminta mba rany "potrait in the rain". aku uda pertimbangin mateng2 byar skin ini bisa dipake publik juga. tapi tetep ada bedanya lho... byar tetep special buat mba rany. hehe...
bedanya adalah klo skin buat mba rany tu tulisan yg paling kiri make alamat blognya, n buat publik tulisan itu diganti menjadi "simple life story". nah, skarang terserah anda2 saja. kalo mao didonlod silakan satroni SkinShop. shopping skin gratis, bisa request, ga usah bayar se-sen pun. gampang khan? hehe... *akh, aku emang welas asih. [uweeeeks....]

yang kedua, skin item putih tapi tetep girly. kesannya lumayan misterius, tapi tetep seru euy! hampir sama dengan skin pesenan pearly. karna ini aku buat utk publik.
nah, utk kalian yg *mupeng sama skin ini, dateng aja ke blog aneh ini. semua design dijamin halal. hehe...

untuk tampilan lebih jelas, silakan klik satu kalliiiiii aja tepat pada gambar tsb.

okay, skian dulu yah...
akhir kata saia ucapinz...
cuapeeee deeee....

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