
Hello!! Welcome to...
Also known as pinkyblog.theprincesspink.com, a site of a semi crazy girl named Pink. Here you will find many things. My diary, design, review and many more... I'll wrote anything i want here. Feel free to bookmark this site so you can return. Enjoy your stay, and don't poke me.

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the princess

On The Net Princess Pink
Bali, 22 June 1991
Hometown :
Bali ID, Ninomiya-Kanagawa JP
Just an ordinary girl with super extra ordinary life. i have one lip, one noise n two eyes. nothing special from me! very like everything about pink
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fact about me

StUdenT, photoshopper, photoshopahoLic, photoshopmaniac, photoshop addict, photoshop junkies, pinker, bLogskinner, singer, guitaris, dancer, doyan ngaca, suka nyengir, narsis, internet junkies, girLy, pinKy girL, rocker, jago bikin kue, suka nyolotin code HTML, FriendLy eNougH


New Electric Guitar
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Great Guitarist

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The Princess Pink blogspot com is currently on hiatus. Please visit my official website at www.theprincesspink.com. Thanks all. i Miss u. Muaaach...

sweet sugar

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Pujito oh pujito...
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FriendsterQ yang malang
Tampilan baru skin shop!
Lets sing with me!
Cuap2 blink 182
Listen to my heart!
Submited my newest skin
Skin request baru kelar 3/9


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pinky chan

Hello, pinky chan here. wanna be my friend? i will play with you. please click my pet or my car if you wanna feed me. be nice!^^

sweet talk

Hello reader, thanks for droping some love to my blog. Please visit my new official website at www.theprincesspink.com I LOVE YOU ALL.


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designer & credit

layout design, coding, photo editing... by princess pink

TooL $ host:
adobe photoshop cs2, notepad, my mind, my photo collection, haloscan dafont photobucket blogger deviantart google

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Header Photo
PINK NIMPH BY. Deviant Art

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.

* READ ME! [ disclaimer ] *
© by. princess pink 2007

Saturday, June 16, 2007

aku ganti skin lagi di skinshop. skarang lebih simple n enak dipandang mata. temanya hello kitty. tetep pink n lebih imut. mampir yah n kasi pendapatnya.
alasan knapa aku ganti skin, itu karena skin yang dulu ga enak dipandang mata. fontnya ancur! warnanya menyilaukan mata. terlalu pink!
tapi yg ini sejuk kok. hahaha...

akhirnya aku naek kelas!
tapi aku bener2 sebel sama huny! dy uda ngagetin aku n bikin aku hampir pingsan. gini critanya...
aku kan lg chat nih, trus tiba2 aja hunyku kirim sms yg isinya gini...

"Chayank, lg ngpaen? Yank dapet rangking brapa? aku ga naek kelas nih. coz aku banyak banget absennya."

jantungku rasanya mao copot! kaget dengerin brita hunyku ga naek kelas. aku bener2 ga nyangka. secara huny itu orangnya lumayan berprestasi di skul trutama bidang olahraga (sepak bola). secara huny itu kapten tip sepak bola di skul aku. uda itu dy ketua kelas di kelasnya, 2 TJ 2. tapi mao gimana lagi? huny emang susah dibilangin. pas ujian dy malah keluyuran ga jelas.
aku sempet berpikir mao dyemin huny n ga ngomong selama liburan ( sebulan bo! ). byar huny tau rasa n bisa mengambil hikmah atas kejadian ini.

terus terang aku malu banget. masak cowok seorang pink bisa ga naek kelas? malu khan? gengsi khan sama orang skul. huhu... apa kata orang nanti trutama temen2 klo misalnya hunyku sekelas sama aku. secara dy tu kls 2 TJ 2, sedangkan aku kls 1 TJ 2. otomatis donk, klo ga naek kelas, pasti jadinya huny sekelas sama aku. huhu... di mana aku taroh muka aku.?!?!

abis itu aku dyemin huny. seharian itu smsnya ga aku bales. telpnya yg uda 17 kali itu aku kacangin. aku sebel sama huny!!!
tapiiii... karena aku kesian sama huny n aku berpikir klo diri aku ni jahat banget, aku langsung deh bales sms huny. aku tau, di saat2 seperti ini hunyku pasti lg butuh semangat dari aku. bukannya diperlakuin kayak gini...

n tau ga apa yg terjadi setelah aku sms huny?
dy malah bilang gini...
"boong!! mana mungkin aku ga naek kelas, blablablabla..."

huny jahat!! aku uda ditipu sama huny! huhuwaaaaaaaaaaaa......
awas ya hun! klo kita ketemu, ga bakalan aku byarin jenggotmu slamat! hahaha!....
tp sukur deh, ternytata hunyku naek kelas. aku bisa lega skarang.

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